Our next Water Baptism is scheduled for Sunday, March 30th.
water baptism
fresh start
Are you ready to take the next step in your walk with the Lord, but you don't know how? This four week one-on-one mentoring program will give you all the resources you need to jump start your relationship with Jesus and learn how to grow spiritually!
growth track
God has an incredible purpose for your life, and Growth Track is designed to help you connect with that purpose. On the Growth Track, you will spend four Sundays diving into what it looks like to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose, and make a difference with your life. Growth Track meets at 10am in the Mother's Room. Childcare is provided. Our next session starts on January 5th.
Sunday School
We want to help you grow in your walk with the Lord by getting ROOTED in His Word. Sunday School is a great way to do that! Classes are offered on Sundays at 10am.
Classes Available:
Young@Heart Sunday School in Connect Room
Gospel Project Bible Study in Fellowship Hall
903 Youth Sunday School in Gym
PreK, 1st-3rd grade, & 4th-6th grade Sunday School in Kids Wing
Nursery is available during these classes
midweek at wfa
On Wednesdays at 6:30pm we offer an Adult Class, 903 Youth Service, & Kids Connect.
December 18th: Christmas Devotion
December 25th: No Wednesday Services
January 1st: No Wednesday Services
Two new studies will begin January 8th, one for men and one for women! They will be led by Pastor Michael & Angie Fleming.
connect groups
Connect Groups are one of the most vital ministries at WFA! These small home groups focus on belonging to community & growing relationships through food & fellowship and becoming disciples through Bible Study prayer. Groups meet in homes on 1st & 3rd Sundays from 5:30-7:30pm. Groups will start back on January 5th. Now is a great time to join a group!
WFA dream teams
We have an awesome team of volunteers that serve at WFA, and we'd love to see your use your God-given gifts for Jesus! Sign up for Growth Track to find out more about all of the teams that are available and how to get plugged in.